29 April 2012 13:22

NICOSIA – The prospects of having an international conference on the Cyprus problem are remote, Government Spokesman Stefanos Stefanou said here on Saturday, adding that the issue of changing the UN-led current process of negotiations, aiming at a settlement of the Cyprus problem, has not been brought up either by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki moon or his Special Adviser on Cyprus Alexander Downer, during a meeting the latter had on Friday with Cyprus President Demetris Christofias.
Stefanou said it was obvious that the problems which remain to be solved are not the result of the process which is followed or of the agreed basis for a settlement, but of the Turkish side's position.
He called on the Turkish side to abandon its delaying tactics and cooperate with the Greek Cypriot side, on the basis of UN resolutions, with a view to have progress on the Cyprus problem and be able to achieve a settlement.
Stefanou also said that President Christofias has assured UN Secretary General of his readiness to continue to negotiate during the period in which Cyprus will hold the EU rotating Presidency, at the second half of 2012, in consistence to the agreed basis for achieving a solution providing for a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality, as provide by the UN relevant resolutions and in the framework of the process agreed.
The Spokesman noted that there are many difficulties and problems in the negotiations for a Cyprus settlement due to the negative and delaying tactics of the Turkish side.
He recalled that the process provides for a mutually agreed settlement that will be a result of negotiations between the two sides, under the UN auspices, without arbitration and blackmailing dilemmas
He said that the current process is not changing but remains the same, adding that neither the UN Secretary General nor Downer have brought up an issue of changing the process and that this remains Cypriot-led and Cypriot-owned.
As regards the issue an international conference on the Cyprus problem, the Spokesman noted that the UN position on this issue is that such a conference can be convened to discuss the international aspects of the Cyprus problem, when and as long as an agreement on the internal aspects of the Cyprus problem is reached.
“Unfortunately this prospect is unfavourable given the current situation,” he said adding that the Turkish side must abandon its delaying tactics, in order to create prospects to achieve a settlement. He added that the Turkish side must respect the commitments it has undertaken and which it has failed to meet and cooperate with the Greek Cypriot side for a solution to the Cyprus problem on the basis of UN resolutions, a solution that will terminate occupation and illegal settling and will reunite the country and its people.
Responding to questions, Stefanou said that Downer conveyed on Friday to President Christofias the wish of the UN Secretary General to be able to hold an international conference provided that the necessary convergences on the internal aspects of the Cyprus problem will be first achieved.
He also noted that the UN have adopted a concrete position as regards the issue of when it will be possible for such a conference to be convened, recalling the UN Security Council resolution 2026 which explicitly refers to this issue.
Stefanou also said that it is obvious that the UN is taking a hard look at the negotiations and how it will be possible to overcome the difficulties, to reach a settlement.
Asked about the shuttle diplomacy between the two parties which the UN is undertaking during the next two weeks, Stefanou said that (UN) efforts will continue to reach convergences, and they (the UN) will call on the parties involved to meet their commitments, implement the resolutions and work with a view to achieve a settlement as has been agreed, that is providing for a bizonal, bicommunal federation.
Stefanou reiterated the position of the Greek Cypriot side in favour of the continuation of the negotiations, and Christofias’ readiness to continue negotiations during the Cypriot EU Presidency. “We always approach things in a constructive way with a view to facilitate efforts to achieve a solution,” he added.
UN-led direct talks have been going on since September 2008, with a view to solve the problem of Cyprus, divided since the Turkish invasion of the island in 1974. (CNA)