02 May 2012 10:51

NICOSIA  – The government of Cyprus on Sunday denounced Turkey’s provocative decision to issue licences for oil exploration in sea areas that include blocks from Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone.
In a written statement government spokesman Stefanos Stefanou underlined that Turkey’s decision was a continuation of its actions that violate international law, in particular the Law of the Sea.
“The Government of Cyprus denounces Turkey’s illegalities and provocations and is taking all necessary steps to defend the Republic’s sovereign rights” he ssid.
Turkey, whose troops occupy Cyprus’ northern part since they invaded in 1974, does not recognise the Republic of Cyprus. Following a decision by Nicosia to begin natural gas and oil exploration in its exclusive economic zone, Ankara has deployed warships in the Eastern Mediterranean and has signed an illegal agreement with the Turkish Cypriot regime in occupied Cyprus to delineate what it calls continental shelf. On Saturday, maps published in Turkey's government gazette, showed that oil drilling permits included areas  near Rhodes and south west of Cyprus.
Also on Sunday,  House President Yiannakis Omirou called on the international communityand Europe to react to the official announcement in the official gazette of Turkey.
Replying to a question, Omirou said that it is obvious that Turkey is trying to create a climate of tension and destabilisation in the region, in the framework of a plan it has which includes provocations after the assumption of the EU rotating Presidency by the Republic of Cyprus, on July 1, such as efforts for the recognition of the Turkish Cypriot puppet regime, the opening of the fenced off town of Famagusta under Turkish administration and efforts to promote direct trade between Cyprus’ occupied areas and EU member states.
Omirou went on to say that Turkey was contining its long-standing tactic of behaving as an international trouble maker, trying to create tension in the Eastern Mediterranean region. “On our part we give the message that we are in favour of peace, security, cooperation and stability in the region, both Cyprus and Greece, because Turkish treats concern Greece as well,” he added.
Omirou said that as Turkey is a candidate state for membership to the European family, the European Union cannot any longer continue to address Turkish provocations in a passive way, noting that this provocations concern the EU itself since Turkey refuses to recognise the forthcoming Cypriot Presidency of the Council of the EU. “This constitutes a provocation and a blow against the European Union,” Omirou said.
This is why, he added all these provocations need to be addressed not only by the Republic of Cyprus and Greece but also by the international and especially the European community, he added.
In December 2011, President of the Republic of Cyprus Demetris Christofias announced that the results of the exploratory drilling in Cyprus' block 12 were positive, describing the discovery of hydrocarbons as historic for the island.
US company Noble Energy, which carried out the drilling, discovered 310 feet of net natural gas pay. The drilling reached a depth of 19,225 feet in water depth of about 5,540 feet.
The initial data that emerged from the exploratory drilling and the evaluation checks carried out indicate the existence of a natural gas reservoir ranging from 5 to 8 trillion cubic feet (tcf) with a gross mean of 7 tcf.
Cyprus has also launched a second licensing round for the 12 remaining blocks of its Exclusive Economic Zone.