03 May 2012 20:54

 NICOSIA President of the Republic Demetris Christofias received Thursday at the presidential palace children from war-torn Libya.

Twenty-six children mainly from the cities of Misrata and Zavia are visiting the island at the Cypriot Foreign Minister’s invitation.

President Christofias expressed Cyprus’ friendly feelings toward the Arab peoples, noting that Cyprus-Libya friendship dates prior to the independence of Cyprus, but especially after Cyprus gained independence founder of the republic of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios III established very good relations with the leaders of the Arab world, in the framework of the Non-aligned Movement.

President Christofias wished that democracy prevailed in Libya after the war, explaining that the people of Cyprus have also suffered the consequences of the war.

“We wish to work all together to put an end to wars, hunger and misery, in the world, particularly in Africa” he said, adding that Cyprus Government is in contact with the Libyan Government to assist in Libya’ s reconstruction.

Libyan Charge d’ Affaires in Cyprus Salah Abourgigha thanked the people of Cyprus and the Government for their support to Libya, noting that the two countries maintain excellent relations.

Salah Abourgigha expressed his government readiness to enhance Cyprus-Libya relations and referred to the efforts aiming to reconstruct the country.